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Shoot straight in a sentence

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Sentence count:20+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2019-05-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: get straightput straightstraight from the shoulderstraightgo straightstraight-outstraightensee straight
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1. I can't shoot straight .
2. She practised for days until she could shoot straight.
3. She had never been able to shoot straight.
4. You'd turn on the water, and it would shoot straight up in the air.
5. Morey would shoot straight with me; he always has.
6. Make sure you hold the gun steady and shoot straight.
7. Any attempt to shoot straight out will rip yer bottom out!
8. Do you think he can shoot straight?
9. Microsoft, in comparison, can't shoot straight online.
10. I can't shoot straight , ie aim accurately.
11. Walden liked a man who could shoot straight.
12. Does your gun shoot straight?
13. I can shoot straight if I don't have to shoot too far.
14. All you have to do is get up close, keep your temper, and shoot straight.
15. But the target is no longer there -- even City Hall, until lately, hasn't been able to shoot straight.
16. I reckon he might have been too dazzled by the glitter around him even to shoot straight.
17. Colin: It's no wonder they never kill the good guys. They can't shoot straight.
17. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
18. Should he have taken more shots on an afternoon when nobody else could shoot straight?
19. " Here, " he said. " You shoot it. I'm too drunk. I shoot straight. "
20. This rifle was all wired up around the butt, although it could shoot straight enough.
More similar words: get straightput straightstraight from the shoulderstraightgo straightstraight-outstraightensee straightstraightwaystraight offstraight instraight cutstraightawaystraighten upstraightnessstraighten outstraightedgestraight facestraight linestraight anglestraight arrowstraight-lacedstraighteningstraight personstraight-forwardstraightjacketstraightforwardstraight ticketstraight-backedstraight and narrow
Total 20, 30 Per page  1/1 
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